Frequently Asked Question


Do i need to create an account to make order ? (Apakah perlu membuat akun untuk melakukan pesanan?)

We recommend creating an account so that the checkout process is faster and you will be notified of the latest products. If you have shopped before, you can login using your registered email and password.


Kami menganjurkan untuk membuat akun agar proses checkout lebih cepat dan kamu akan dapat notifikasi item-item terbaru. Jika kamu sudah pernah berbelanja sebelumnya, kamu dapat masuk menggunakan email dan password yang sudah terdaftar.

How to order? (Bagaimana cara untuk membuat pesanan?)
Can I sign up to your newsletter? (Apakah saya bisa mendaftar ke Newsletter?)
I need to check Smith Berlin size Guide. (Saya ingin melihat size chart produk Smith Berlin.)
About your Order
I've paid for my orders. How long is the shipping process? (Berapa lama proses pengiriman nya?)

In normal situations, shipping will take 1 - 2 working days after your order is confirmed. Please kindly wait for your package to arrive.


Dalam situasi normal, pengiriman akan memakan waktu 1-2 hari kerja setelah pesanan Anda dikonfirmasi. Mohon tunggu paket Anda tiba.

How do I track the status of my orders? (Bagaimana cara melacak status pesanan saya?)
I bought the wrong size. Can I exchange my product? (Bisakah saya menukar produk saya?)
I just received a defective / wrong item. What should I do? (Apa yang harus saya lakukan?)
How long does the refund take to reach my bank account? (Berapa lama pengembalian dana ke rek saya?)
What payment methods does Smith Berlin accept? (Metode pembayaran apa saja yang diterima?)
Why does it say "Your order has been cancelled"? (Mengapa tertera “Order Anda telah dibatalkan”?)
I've paid and confirmed my payments on the website. Why does the status still say "Pending"?
Can I do COD (Cash on Delivery)? (Bisakah saya melakukan COD?)
Help! I made my order but I can't checkout. (Saya sudah memesan tetapi tidak bisa checkout.)
I need my orders as soon as possible. Can you ship my package on the same day?

Still have unanswered questions?


Kindly contact our customer care via Whatsapp or Instagram.


Monday - Sunday: 08.00-22.00 (GMT +7 Jakarta Time), except for national holidays.




Masih ada pertanyaan yang belum terjawab?


Chat Customer Care kami via Whatsapp atau Instagram.


Senin - Minggu: 08.00 - 22.00 (GMT+7 Jakarta Time), kecuali tanggal merah.